Thursday 12 January 2017

Supreme names of God(jehovah) and their meaning

Jehovah elohenu-the lord our God, jehovah shamah-the lord is present, jehovah el-gibbor-the mighty God, jehovah bashayim-God in heaven, jehovah elohim-the redeemer creator, jehovah misgab-the lord my high tower, jehovah rapha-the lord our healer, jehovah jireh-the lord our provider, jehovah el-hannun-the glorious God, jehovah shaphat-the lord is our judge, jehovah el-olam -the everlasting God, jehovah elyon-the most high God, jehovah adonai-master or owner, jehovah shalom-the lord our peace, jehovah mekaddeskum-the lord who sanctifies, jehovah el-kanna-the lord who is jealous, jehovah el-shadai-the all sufficient our almighty God, jehovah el-magowr-the fountain of living waters, jehovah el-munah-the faithful God, jehovah Rohi-the lord our shepherd, jehovah eloheeka-the lord thy God, jehovah Raah-the lord is my shepherd, jehovah hosenu-the lord our maker, jehovah nissi-the lord our banner,jehovah esh-oldah-consuming fire, jehovah el-bethel-God of eternity, jehovah el-nas- the forgiving God,jehovah tsidqenu-the lord our righteousness

Jehovah el-ashyib-the lord my restorer, jehovah yaweh-lord of lords, jehovah elohim macheslanu-god our refuge, jehovah el-chay-the ling God, jehovah sabaoth-master lord of hosts, jehovah emmanuel-God with us, jah elohim- the lord our God. Jehovah eloah-the one God, jehovah el-roi-the God who sees me(God of vision), jehovah ori-the lord is my light, jehovah chereb-the lord sword,jehovah ebenezer-God of help(this is thus far the lord as helped me),elohim avraham yitkaz yakov-the God of Abraham,isaac and jacob, jehovah el-achhba-God tht hideth, jehovah qedosh yisraeli-God of israel,jehovah el-elohe israel-prince of God,jehovah el-emeth-God of turth, jehovah el-gemu'ah-the lord of recompense, jehovah bore-the lord, the creator, jehovah touri- the lord my rock,jehovah selai-the lord my rock, jehovah pelet-the lord is my deliverer, jehovah el-elyon-the most high God, jehovah elohim azar-God our helper, jehovah-the self existing almighty God, jah jehovah-lord jehovah, jehovah ma'ozi-the lord our strength, jehovah el-berith-God of the convenant
Jehovah eli meleki-God my king, jehovah elohim kadoshim-the holy God, jehovah shekinah-God of glory, alpha and omega-the beginning and the end

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